Fast forward on 24 Aug '07 ............
1:30am: I went to the bathroom and found that I had a very bloody show.Woke Dabo up and we decided to wait and see if there are anymore signs that I should go to the hospital.
3am: Again I went to the bathroom and found more bloody discharge.My heart was so confused and anxious.Should I wait or should I just go to the hospital?Would my BB be in danger?I kept praying and searching to hear God's direction.I couldn't sleep anymore.Just kept wondering......
5am: Again I found more bloody discharge.This time we decided to go to the hospital to be safe.It was supposed to be my last day of work,I've applied for 1/2AM for check-up with Dr Jeanette Chen at KKH and return to office in PM to wrap up my stuff.The journey to KKH was both exciting and frightening.We did not know what to expect.6am: We arrived at KKH.I was told they need to monitor my contractions and BB's heart beat.Everything seemed ok.They informed Dr Jeanette and she would come to see me at around 7:30am.I was wheel-chaired into a delivery suite as I continued to have a bloody discharge.
7:30am: Dr Jeanette came and broke my water bag.We were not ready to deliver that day but it was too late.They had to induce contractions in me as mine was weak.It was painful to insert the needle into my left hand.I still have a small scar until today.
8:30 am: Water begin to flow out slowly and I had to get the nurses changed my maternity pads.They also helped me to relieve into a potty as I could not get out of the bed.Contractions finally began.Feels like menstral cramp.But still bearable.I remind myself that its just pressure and not pain.
9:30am: The contractions were getting worse and we were both very tired since we have not really slept since 1:30am.Dabo prayed over me.We also prayed in tongues.
11am: Contractions got very very painful and I was suffering.I tried the 'laughing gas' but decided to have the epidural as Dr told me I was to deliver at around 3pm.The epidural specialist came in 15mins.Surprisingly,the procedure was not in the least painful.I felt so relieved after that.I dozed off and in between nurses came in to check me.
2:30pm: The nurse told me I had dilated to 8cm and should be ready to push soon.
3pm: A nurse and Dabo helped me as I started pushing.Dabo held my leg as I tried to push very hard as each contraction came on.I pushed very hard but it was not enough.
3:30pm: Dr Jeanette came.I did not progress much so after 15mins,she called another doc to come to assist me.The Indian doc pushed my belly as I pushed my baby out.
4:00pm: After 2 tries, our precious little Immanuel Liron arrived!What a wonderful feeling.Our little miracle is here.He has such loud and clear voice.He cried so loudly.He is so handsome too.IL weighed 3.310kg and 49cm long. After that,I was told I had to wait for my room as it was full.
7:00pm: I was wheeled to my room.I had to take panadol as I was beginning to feel the pain from the stitches.The nurses brought IL to me to be breast fed every 2 hours.My family all came to visit me that evening.The next day, our care group friends and my colleagues came to visit me.
6:00pm, 25 Aug 2007: We checked out and little IL came back to his own home. Its great to have him home.Thank you ABBA!
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