This morning we went to the one & only crocodile farm in Spore.It is actually an old bungalow style house located along 790 Upper Serangoon Road.

The main entrance.

Lots of warning signs around!These crocs are NOT to be taken lightly!

We were warned by the owners of this place that these crocs can jump up to 2/3 feet high! Better to keep our hands and our cameras behind the fence.Strongly advised NOT to lean over to view them!

We were very blessed to catch the feeding time of the crocs. One of the caretakers preparing chicken parts (heads mostly) to feed the crocs.

A small croc lazing in the mud.Notice the sly look in the eye?

Crocs fighting over the chicken parts that was thrown to them.

They are very strong!

This is the biggest croc in the farm.I think it is abt 4m long!We were quite worried coz it seemed that it should be able to leap out of its dwelling place easily!!!!!

Crocs CAN stay still as a log for very very long time.I think that they look fake!

These are the smaller ones.They look even more fake!!!!

Feeding time.

See how this caretaker feed them?I was quite worried the crocs might be able to reach for him instead!

We had a great time looking at the crocodiles.It was our first time seeing these crocs close up.

Two to keep each other company.Maybe crocs feel lonely too.