My heart stopped beating for a while when I arrived at my aunt's house to pick Immanuel up this evening.

The big wooden door at my aunt's place had just slammed on Immanuel's left index finger before I arrived.We immediately went to KKH emergency dept.Doc said that the injury was quite bad as part of his nail was crushed and he must be hurting very badly.Thank Jesus for HIS protection that xray showed his bone was ok.

Thank God that the senior doc decided not to sedate him to remove the nail and drain the clotted blood underneath the nail.Instead,we'll try to let the new nail pushed the old one out as it grows.The former procedure would have been very painful.They then apply an antibiotic ointment and bandaged his hand.We were also given paracetamolin case he complains of pain.

Immanuel is a very brave boy.Despite of the pain, he still acted like his normal self.