This morning,on our way to church,we discovered cows just across our block.It is a rare treat for a concrete jungle like Singapore.So, we just had to stop and say hello to our 'cow'-boys & girls!
I am a blessed woman in my thirties married to a wonderful man.This blog is dedicated to him,our beloved son and our three lovely corgis.I'm trying to be a virtous wife and loving mommy to them everyday.I work five days a week from 8:30am - 6pm.This blog is like my life diary and helps me to balance my lifestyle.It is easy to be absorbed in work & tiredness in a busy society like ours.I have many hobbies and I wish to develope on them.It is also my dream to own my own cafe one day.I hope to share this blog with people who respect and appreciate another person's lifestyle and culture like me.God bless you richly!