I dun know what's the matter w my little Immi these two days.He seemed extremely cranky at the slightest thingy.Juz on sunday,as we were returning home from church,he started wailing very hard in the car.And he did that all the way till we reached home.Then,once inside the house,he refused to sit in his walker or be left anywhere else.He juz kept clinging onto me like a little koala bear!To add to my dismay,he continued to whine despite me carrying him.He was inconsolable!I was getting frustrated and flustered coz I din know what's wrong w my little sweetie.When he tried to stood up in his bath tub,I yelled at him and pushed him down very hard.After his bath,I told Ken Ne to make him some milk hoping that might calm him down a bit.But to our surprise,he finished it all!(He only had his last feed 2 hours ago.)So,it seemed that he was juz trying to tell us that he was hungry.I felt so terrible!I was so guilty for losing my temper at him earlier.I hope I'll always remember this lesson and hope never to repeat it.So,this morning when he behaved like that again,I did not lose my temper w him.I fed him some milk in the car and he was fine after that.Btw,he went back to his 3-hourly feeding pattern again!