Today might be the last of my bf for Immanuel.I can only say I am so glad I made the decision to breastfeed him until now.It was very tough experience and not as easy as most books or experts say.My confinement helper did not gave me the right advice in the first month and actually discouraged me from bf!It was only until she left us that I "started" to really bf Immanuel.But by this time,he refused to latch on and preferred the bottle which is much faster.As a result,I had to expressed up to six times a day, half an hour each time and even waking up in the wee hours of 2:30am to do it.I could not rest when Immanuel was sleeping coz I had to express.By the time I finished,he had waken up!Looking back now,I would not have done it without the support of my wonderful hubby who helped out with most of the housework and such.By our Abba's grace,Immanuel had not fallen ill even once up till now.Thanks be to Abba Father! (But I must admit that I do miss bf Immanuel and the closeness we shared as mother and child.)